Please take note of the following schedule for MPA/DPA Comprehensive Exams and DPA Qualifying Exam:
21 February 2017, Tuesday (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
- MPA Comprehensive Exam (General Field)
- DPA Qualifying Exam
24 February 2017, Friday (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)
- MPA Comprehensive Exam (Field of Specialization)
- DPA Comprehensive Exam
- Qualified students must signify their intention to take the exams by signing in the logbook at CPAGE on or before 10 February 2017, Friday.
- Qualified students who signified their intention but wish to defer should submit a letter of deferment at least a week before the examination. A “No Show” on the date of the exam will result in a failing grade on the exam.
- Examinees must be enrolled in Residency for the 2nd Semester, AY 2016-2017 before taking the exam.
- Examinees must submit yellow pad paper (216 mm x 330 mm) to CPAGE until 16 February 2017, Thursday. MPA = 2 yellow pad paper; DPA = 1 yellow pad paper
- Examinees must bring their own food for the whole day since they are not allowed to buy food once the examination starts.