
The Ramos Presidency and Administration: Contemporary Views and Assessments (1992-1998)

Authors/Editors: Jose V. Abueva, Ma. Concepcion P. Alfiler, Ma. Oliva Z. Domingo, Eleanor E. Nicolas

Publisher: CLCD, U.P. Press

Year: 2006

Edition: -

Pages: 538

Binding: Hardbound/Softbound

The book is a recollection of the alternative views of independent scholars, journalists, and other renowned commentators on the performance of the government under the Ramos administration (1992-1998). These views were presented in the Second U.P. Public Forum, and delved on the following topics: governance, domestic affairs, national security, defense, human and social development, and socio-economic development, among others.

Price: PhP 450.00 (Hardbound); PhP 350.00 (Softbound)


Availability: In Stock

Please contact the Publications Office at 926-1443 for purchase inquiries.

Ramos Presidency