
President ERAP: Sociopolitical and Cultural Biography of Joseph Ejercito Estrada (Volume I: Facing the Challenge of EDSA II)

Authors/Editors: Zeus A. Salazar

Publisher: RPG Foundation

Year: 2006

Edition: English Translation by Sylvia Mendez Ventura

Pages: 494

Binding: Hardbound/Softbound

This book is a critical analysis by Dr. Zeus Salazar of the life of President Joseph Ejercito "Erap" Estrada, and its influence in Filipino politics and culture. It also tells of the successes and challenges faced by the Estrada administration, and the events leading to the former President's ouster in January 2001.

Price: PhP 900.00 (Hardbound); PhP 650.00 (Softbound)


Availability: Out of Print

This book is out of print. You may borrow a copy from the UP NCPAG Library (928-5408).

President ERAP