NCPAG has prepared a day packed with activities to celebrate it 65th anniversary on June 15, 2017.
The anniversary celebration will kick off at 9 a.m. with the ribbon cutting of the exhibit featuring the College’s E-Knowledge platforms, which include the Open Government Research Portal, PJPA in HeinOnline, and the NCPAG Knowledge Hub.
The exhibit will be followed by the conferment of loyalty awards to select faculty and staff and a boodle lunch.
In the afternoon, Dr. Danilo Reyes (retired Professor) will deliver his lecture “The sustainable Development Goals and the Dangers of Policy Reductionism.” This lecture is open to the public at no cost.
NCPAG was established as the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) on June 15, 1952, as a result of a contract between the University of the Philippines and the University of Michigan to provide training, teaching and research in public administration, and as part of the recommendations of the Bell Mission.
For its more than six decades of existence, the College has always been at the forefront of improving public administration in the country through training public servants and local government executives, conducting case studies on national and local government administration, and extending advisory and consulting services to governmental agencies for their technical and other problem-solving needs.