
FVR to Speak on Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro at Forum in NCPAG

Following the success of the inaugural Islam and Democracy Forum (IDF) held on 31 March 2014, the National College of Public Administration and Governance and the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID) will partner again in the third leg of the IDF to be held on 14 October 2014. The 3d IDF, which will have former President Fidel V. Ramos as keynote speaker, focuses on Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro and the Bangsamoro Basic Law.

Former President Ramos received the UNESCO Felix Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize, together with MNLF Chair Misuari, for the historic peace agreement ending decades of armed conflict, the first signed in South East Asia.

President Ramos will deliver his lecture “Break not the Peace: Linking the 1996 Agreement with the MNLF with the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro and the Bangsamoro Basic Law” at the NCPAG Assembly Hall at 2:00-5:00 pm. The lecture serves as the seventh installment of the NCPAG Guest Lecture Series launched in January 2014. It is also being held in celebration of the confirmation of Chancellor Michael L. Tan as tenth Chancellor of UP Diliman.

For further information and confirmation of attendance, please contact Ms. Sandra Martinquilla at pcid.mainsecretariat@gmail.com or call 09175826367,  426-5886, 426-9972 and Ms. Bing Perillo /Kat Regidor at dean_up_ncpag@yahoo.com or call9283861, 9285411 or 9818500 loc. 4152.