Manuscripts submitted to the PJPA should not have been previously published and must not be under consideration in any other publication. They should be not more than 10,000 words, should be typewritten double-spaced on 8.5” by 11” bond paper and sent by mail or encoded using MS Word and may be sent by email. To facilitate indexing, the authors are requested to identify the keywords used in their articles. A brief biographical note of contributors and abstracts of approximately 100 words should accompany the articles (including contact information, e.g. email address). Information regarding the author and credits should appear on a separate cover page.
They shall be subjected to a double-blind refereeing process and shall be evaluated using this set of criteria.
Depending on the volume of articles received and the turnover of articles from referees, we expect to inform the author of the editorial decision within two months. Once the manuscripts are accepted, the editorial board may request the author/s to revise the paper. The editorial board reserves the right to make the necessary editorial modifications including but not limited to changes in the content, format, and title of articles.
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