The NCPAG Student Council is the highest body within the NCPAG Student Government. Its officers are elected annually. The Student Council, which holds office at the NCPAG Inner Lobby, is composed of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, administrators, and councilors. The college representative to the UP Diliman University Student Council also sits as an ex-officio member.
Janella Santiago
Katrina Villanueva
Vice Chairperson
Juan Paolo Artiaga
External Affairs Administrator
Kathleen Joyce Ramos
Finance Administrator
Ernesto Urbano Jr.
Internal Affairs Administrator
Princess Bea Carreon
Socio-Academic Affairs Administrator
Jan Mikhail Solitario
NCPAG Representative to the University Student Council
Graduate Councilors:
Jinky Joy Dela Cruz
Alcariza Peregrino
Undergraduate Councilors:
Sarah Bianca Bilag
Sofronio Dulay III
Kirtham Novreil Dumpa
Michelle Fellone