Authors/Editors: Jose V. Abueva, Victoria A. Bautista, Proserpina Domingo-Tapales, Ma. Oliva Z. Domingo, Eleanor E. Nicolas (eds)
Publisher: CLCD, U.P. Press
Year: 2004
Edition: -
Pages: 765
Binding: Hardbound/Softbound
A product of the 3rd U.P. Public Lectures, the first volume of the Macapagal-Arroyo Presidency and Administration highlights the lectures given by former President Macapagal-Arroyo and her Cabinet, and presents their own views of the performance of the Arroyo administration from 2001 to 2004.
Price: PhP 400.00 (Hardbound); PhP 300.00 (Softbound)
Availability: In Stock
Please contact the Publications Office at 926-1443 for purchase inquiries.