Authors/Editors: Belinda A. Aquino
Publisher: UP NCPAG
Year: 1999
Edition: 2nd
Pages: 278
Binding: Hardbound/Softbound
Dr. Belinda Aquino's work looks into the political dynamics of plunder allegedly by Marcos and his cronies under a 20-year-old regime. This study uses the controversial Marcos papers and other incriminating materials retrieved from the plane that carried Marcos and his family to exile in Hawaii. The book explains how and why plunder in the Marcos period broke up former notions of corruption, and how it is set to change the way Filipinos look at corruption in the years ahead.
Price: PhP 400.00 (Hardbound); PhP 250.00 (Softbound)
Discount/Promo: 50% off
Availability: In Stock
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