The result of the Graduate Entrance Test (GET) for DipPM and MPA who took last 10 May 2019 and also the result of the DPA interview last May 15 and 16, 2019 are already sent thru E-mail. Kindly check your inbox.
Please confirm your intent to enroll in the 1st Semester, AY 2019-2020 on or before 20 June 2019 thru any of our landline numbers 927-9085, 925-3851 or 981-8500 loc. 4154.
Processing of your admission will start on 24 June 2019.
You are also invited to attend the Orientation for Newly Admitted Students on 21 June 2019 to be held at the NCPAG Audio Visual Room.
Diploma in Public Management and Master of Public Administration (2:00PM)
Doctor of Public Administration (4:00PM)
Thank you for your interest in our programs and see you at NCPAG.