The National College of Public Administration and Governance successfully held its first ever Good Governance Research Colloquium and Paper Competition (GGRCPC) on 5-6 October 2016 at the UP NCPAG Assembly Hall.
The Research Colloquium and Paper Competition was conducted with sponsorship from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and was spearheaded by NCPAG’s Center for Leadership, Citizenship and Democracy and the Publications Office.
It aims to provide an avenue for the discussion and dissemination of research papers on good governance and to recognize outstanding research studies done by scholars and practitioners of Public Administration within NCPAG and among its affiliate educational institutions. For this edition GGRCPC, the the focus was on the principle of open government.
The two-day colloquium concluded with the announcement of the winners.
For the young researchers category, the first place went to Mark Jason E. Arca, Jay Vee R. Linatoc, Rex Francis N. Lupango, and Michael Joe A. Ramirez who co-authored the paper From Manipulation to Citizen Control: A Case Study Revealing the Level of Participation in the Citizen Participatory Audit.
Ryan Hartzell C. Baliscan, meanwhile, bagged the top award for the Professionals Category with his paper Exploratory Analysis of the Correlation between Local Income and Internal Revenue Allotment: Focus on Municipalities that Converted to Cities from 1994-2009.
Winners received certificates and medals of honor. Selected papers will also be published in a special edition of the Philippine Journal of Public Administration (PJPA).
Click here for the list of winners.
Copies of the papers or presetnations of the participants may also be accessed here (young researchers) and here (professionals).